Shadow work is the process of exploring the origins of your dark side.

Is Shadow Work Demonic: The Harsh Truth

I have been seeing this Shadow work Journal all over the place. With positive and negative feedback so I am going to express my thoughts and feelings on the subject. I have been offering shadow work sessions and readings on my YouTube channel 2 plus years now. The Aquarian Alchemist 

 Shadow work is 100% needed and necessary especially if you have experienced any sort of trauma in life or love, which most people have. I'm not saying you need to buy this journal however it is important to know that self-reflection and accountability are the only way to truly evolve.  

 A shadow work journal and A book of shadows are two Totally different things. So do not get the two confused just because they both have shadow in the name. 

 A mirror is a portal and so is your phone, your tv, computer and any other reflective surface. Looking at yourself in the mirror is NOT demonic!! How can you fix what you are unwilling to see?  

 Let's talk about the real issue ... many people are just more comfortable with saying the devil made me do it so I will just pray to Jesus to fix it.  

 Let's not forget that FAITH without works is dead and everyone has free will. That means (unless your possessed) the demons cannot make you do anything; they can only make suggestions to tempt, distract, and confuse you.  

 It means God will forgive and heal you AFTER you take the steps to ask and make changes. Shadow work helps you make changes. To change long standing beliefs and patterns that ultimately self-sabotage your life takes both a will to do so and the right actions. 


I began to heal when I stopped blaming God and the devil and instead asked myself why you keep doing that dumb s***?? Ask and you shall recieve answers . Knock and the door to truth will be open to you but you have to be willing to see it, even if it's ugly.  


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